Nau Mai, Haere Mai, Welcome to all
Our Vision
WHĀNAU Pānui Friday 6 September 2024
Kiā ora e te whānau, In this issue: Principal’s Message Deputy Principal’s Message: Attendance Awards Deputy Principal’s Message: Senior Exams Literacy & Numeracy Common Assessments
LOOKING AHEAD Pānui Friday 30 August
Kia ora e te whānau, This pānui outlines key dates to remember over the next two weeks and important notices for immediate attention including details
SPORT Pānui Monday 26 August
Kia ora e te whānau Items include: Welcome Message Northcote Exchange 2024 Get to Go Challenge Active As Thames Valley Badminton Tournament Senior Football Tournament
Akoranga / Learning
At Thames High School, students are challenged with meaningful, engaging opportunities to experience success and strive for the highest standards. We have high aspirations for students and are committed to supporting their personal growth and development throughout their time at Thames High School. We offer a full and comprehensive range of subjects at all levels.
Tikanga / Culture
Thames High School prides itself on a vibrant cultural life, including a strong music department, drama, Kapa Haka, debating, art workshops, and a school magazine. Students are encouraged to participate in the rich variety of cultural activities.
Takaro Hākinakina / Sport
The School offers over 30 sporting codes and a range of sports facilities. Many of these activities involve students in local, regional, and national competitions in addition to interschool exchanges. Facilities include: modern gymnasium, weight training bay, tennis and netball courts and swimming pool.
Rāwaho / Outdoors
Outdoor Education offers students mental and physical challenges. Students learn both the practical and theoretical aspects of each pursuit before having the opportunity to be assessed in the activity in a natural setting. The aim of outdoor education is to inroduce students to disciplined activities, survival procedures, and many valuable recreational activities.
The sense of community made me feel at home straight away when I started at Thames High School. The teachers were so supportive and I made some great friends
Leopold, Germany