Principal/Tumuaki’s Message

​Ngā mihi nui ki a tātou katoa
Ko Ōwairaka te māunga
Ko Waitamata te moana
Ko Tamaki te awa
Ko Arawa te waka
Ko Tangata Te Tiriti tōku iwi
Ko Michael Hart tōku ingoa
Ko au te Tumuaki o Te Kura Tuarua o Te Kauaeranga
No reira tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā tātou katoa

At Te Kura Tuarua o Te Kauaeranga, Thames High School, we are proud to serve our community and are committed to our values, including Manaakitanga – Everyone belongs, everyone matters, everyone has potential and Whanaungatanga – We build connected and collaborative relationships.

Our vision is Kia kōtahi ai te piki ake, kia ikeike rawa ki te taumata – We grow together to achieve one’s true potential.

Our vision and our values mean we acknowledge that everyone has potential and we work together as a learning community to support that potential, within an inclusive environment. We have clear and consistent expectations based on our shared values, to provide a safe and supportive environment.

We encourage all taiohi (young people) to participate fully in the classroom and beyond, to develop their academic, physical, and social competencies.  We are proud of the way our young people make the most of the leadership opportunities in the school, culminating in becoming Senior Student Leaders.

We  have a great staff, both teaching and non-teaching. They are dedicated professionals who have a passion for making a positive difference to the lives of taiohi (young people). We are also fortunate to have the support of many parents/caregivers who support a range of activities beyond the classroom.

We are big enough to offer a broad curriculum, yet small enough to ensure that there is a personalised approach to learning and well-being, where everyone is recognised as an individual.

At the core of our pastoral care, students belong to a rōpū (group) or whānau in one of our four houses, with a Rōpū/Whānau Kaitiaki (teacher) who looks after them and is the main point of contact between the school and home.

After five years, as young adults, graduates of Thames High School will have the understanding, skills and personal competencies to be a successful adult in whatever pathway they choose.

We welcome new students and invite you to come along and learn more about Thames High School and see what we have to offer. Make sure that no question goes unanswered.

Ngā manaakitanga

Michael Hart
