Drama is offered as short and long options in Yrs 9 and a full option in Yr 10. The senior program offers NCEA Levels 1 through to 4
Both Health and P.E. are compulsory at Yrs 9 and 10. There is also an option line available at Year 10. Students in the senior school have several options including Physical Education at all NCEA levels, Outdoor Education at all NCEA levels, Active Learning Through Movement (FIT) at NCEA levels 1 and 2, and Health at all NCEA levels.
French and Maori are offered as short or long options in Yr 9 and as full options in Yr 10. Students can then pursue NCEA levels 1 to 3in both subjects. An exchange program (Nutter Scholarship) to France is available to top scholars in Yr 12.
Science is compulsory through to Yr 11. A Certificate Course is offered at Yr 11 alongside NCEA Science. Students can specialize in Chemistry, Biology or Physics from Yr 12 on, or elect general Science at those levels.
The Commerce Department has two main areas, these are Accounting and Economics. Financial Literacy is taught at Yr 10 as an option course. Economics is also taught through the Social Studies programme at Yr 9 and 10. At Level 3 students are able to enrol in a course through Lincoln University as well as NCEA Level 3 Economics.
English is the study, use and enjoyment of the English language and its literature. In the classroom this is communicated orally, visually, and in writing, for a range of reasons and audiences. Learning English means understanding, using and creating oral, written and visual texts of increasing complexity. At the heart of English teaching and learning is engaging with text-based activities.
This subject area covers Food Technology and is included in the Technology rotation for junior students. Seniors can then follow the NCEA course for Levels 1 to 3. Responsibilities cross over into the Health area and the Technology area.
Maths is compulsory from Years 9 to 11. The senior program follows a similar pattern to English with a mixture of straight NCEA and Certificate Courses. Calculus and Statistics are offered at Year 13.
A number of technologies are offered through a compulsory rotation in Yr 9. Students can elect Graphics, Workshop Metal or Wood in Yr 10 as options. In the senior area, options include Electronics, Automotive, Furniture Making, Fabric and Graphics. THS also delivers manual technology to a number of local primary schools.
Digital Technologies is for those interested in controlling the computer (not the computer controlling you). Digitech is integrated into the Junior Authentic Learning classes then becomes a single subject at Level 1, 2 and 3. Program designing, creating and testing are key skills learnt at all levels. Challenge yourself!
ESOL (English as a Second Language
There are two levels of English for speakers of other languages, an Intermediate and an Advanced. Students are placed according to current ability and future goals
This department is comprised of Social Studies in yrs 9 and 10 and Geography and History at the senior level. A limited number of Achievement Standards are offered to the top stream Yr 10 class in Social Studies. Senior courses include NCEA levels 1 through 3 for both History and Geography.
Music is a short or long option at Yr 9 and a full option at Yr 10. Students can then take NCEA Levels 1 to 3. Itinerant music teachers are available for tuition in particular instruments.
Art is a gateway for students wanting to use their creativity in both the world of
work and for their own enjoyment. Society needs out of the box thinkers and creatives and, as such, a lot of emphasis is placed on these attributes. In the junior school Art is experienced through the kete (cross-curricular) programme. In the senior school it is offered at Levels 1, 2 & 3. Photography and Visual Art & Design are offered at Levels 2 & 3.