
Quicklink to Uniform Online shop: NZ Uniforms Website 

Features of our new uniform:

  • Our traditional colours – navy blue and gold – with more royal blue (from our logo) to freshen the look.
  • A non-gender specific uniform – students will choose from upper and lower options (see more below)
  • “Junior” School upper (polo) – Years 9 to 11
  • “Senior” School upper (polo) – Years 12 and 13
  • Plain black crew socks for all.
  • New blazer (optional or formal uniform)
  • A standard PE uniform that doubles as a general sports uniform for sports that do not need a specialty uniform.




Specifications for the New Uniform are as follows

    • Non-gender specific uniform – students wear an upper and lower item that suits their preferences.
    • No specific description of a ‘winter’ and ‘summer’ uniform – this is a personal preference.
    • All uniform items are regulation THS items, supplied by NZ Uniforms, except for socks, and footwear, where the requirements as described must be met.
    • THS cap or THS bucket hat (recommended for summer) – A school (THS) cap or bucket hat (reversible) is allowed for outside wear. If wearing a cap, it must be worn the right way around (peak to the front).
    • THS Scarf (optional)
    • Socks/stockings (must work with shoes)

Physical Education and Extra Curricular Uniform – New from 2024

  • THS Physical Education shirt and shorts are required, with suitable footwear.
  • The New Shirt is available to be worn during Physical Education classes and worn for any sporting activity that does not already have a specific uniform i.e. Netball. (Sports Shorts will be available at a later date)

Shoe styles


  • Plain black shoes (no visible  brands/logos or markings) with  plain black crew socks** – Worn clean and in good  condition. OR 
  • Plain black sandals with a back  strap* – No socks to be worn with sandals. See below for some examples  (these show the ‘look’ and are not meant to be exhaustive).

We welcome inquiries to check that shoes are suitable. 

* Backstrap is for safety in crowds  ** The older THS double gold-band long socks are also acceptable for Years 10-13.

Socks or stockings (with shoes) 

  • Plain black ‘crew’ socks (short to  lower calf) ** OR
  • Plain (not ribbed or patterned)  black stockings. 


Plain black, a range of styles is acceptable. Traditionally a Roman Sandal, and some do prefer a flatter sandal, but there are several styles of sandal where there is good arch support. 

Not Birkenstocks (or similar) without a back strap or Crocs or Slides, with or withoutbackstrap

Plain black shoes 

Plain black shoes are completely black and there are no obvious brands/logos visible. Any brand/logo must be black and not stand out. 

These are covered shoes. For some areas like workshops and labs, covered shoes are required.

Indicative styles of plain black sandals and shoes are below.

  • Plain black shoes (no visible brands/logos or markings)
  • If there are any brand/logos, these should be black and not be obvious.

Not permitted: high-heel or platform shoes, ballet-type backless shoes, boots, scuffs, Crocs, jandals, slippers or running shoes, or other overly casual shoes that are not appropriate for a smart work environment.

The formal uniform

For some occasions, a formal dress uniform is expected. This could be for formal events, for senior student leaders at assembly, prize giving, when representing the school for some senior sport.

The formal uniform may be worn at any time, although is typically for special occasions.

  • Regulation (THS) uniform skirt or long trousers, with 
  • dress white, collared, shirt or blouse; and
  • THS tie; and
  • THS blazer; and
  • Plain black smart, polishable, lace-up shoes or single-strap shoes.

The formal uniform is expected for travelling sports teams and formal events such as prizegiving.


How you can purchase the uniforms

NZ Uniforms is the approved supplier of Thames High School uniforms. It can be purchased in three ways:

      1. Ordering online and home delivery via the NZ Uniforms Website

From early 2024 we will hold size samples at Student Support to enable the right sizes to be ordered online.

      2. A pop-up retail store is held at the start of each year at Thames High School.

      3. NZ Uniforms retail store in Hamilton: 244 Tristram Street, Hamilton 3204

Click here for the current price list.

Pop-up Store Dates in 2024

  • Wednesday 22 January 2025         8 am to 5 pm
  • Thursday 23 January 2025             8 am to 5 pm

Computers will be available at that time to make orders if required.

Payment options

There are a variety of payment options available including cash, debit, and credit cards as well as Zip. 

Support and Equity

  • We recognise that students and their whānau may have trouble obtaining (purchasing) school uniforms. 
  • Our uniform supplier, NZ Uniforms has a range of options to manage the purchase of uniforms, including financing and WINZ payment options. They also offer the ‘Uniform Club’ that allows families to put money aside during the year in preparation for the Back-to-School season.
  • We do not want financial difficulty to be a barrier to having the correct uniform. We recognise that this can be a sensitive topic and are committed to working with parents/caregivers to find a solution.
  • Please discuss issues with providing uniforms with an appropriate member of the pastoral network, i.e. Rōpū or Whānau kaitiaki/teacher, Student Support Officer / Kaimahi Tautoko, Kaiāwhina (Dean), Deputy Principal / Tumuaki Tuarua, or Counsellor.
  • We will work to provide a solution. Options include:
    • Providing good-condition uniform items that have been donated to the school*, or
    • Using school equity funds from the school or from the Student Support Trust (by application) to purchase items.

* We appreciate good-condition uniforms being donated at the School Office. Many uniforms are donated, and these are provided to taiohi/students who cannot obtain items, or used to provide a short-term loan when something unexpected happens to uniforms.

If there is anything you would like to know please contact Student Support and they will be able to assist you.

Once the transition is complete in 2024, we will hold size samples at Student Support to enable the right sizes to be ordered online.

Transition Plan

Year 9s in 2024 that have older siblings’ uniforms or intend to buy second-hand uniform

For both those situations and other reasons, families can seek support from the school as we aim to have all Year 9s in the new uniform. We recognise that there will be the need for some leeway. The support will be from our Student Support Trust or other equity funding.

A summary of our expected transition plan:

2024 2025 2026
Year 9 New Uniform

Year 10 Current Uniform

Year 11 Current Uniform

Year 12 New (white with royal blue) or current (blue or white) polo, new or current lowers.

Year 13 New (white with royal blue) or current (white) polo, with new or current lowers.

Year 9 New Uniform

Year 10 New Uniform

Year 11 Current Uniform

Year 12 New (white with royal blue) polo but can wear current lowers.

Year 13 New (white with royal blue) or current (white) polo, with new or current lowers.

All year levels in the new uniform

There will be some current lowers in circulation and that is acceptable.

The School Board has a Uniform Policy that can be viewed on the School Docs site, but is repeated here for convenience:


Thames High School / Te Kura Tuarua o Te Kauaeranga has a Uniform Policy that can be viewed on the School Docs site. The key expectations for uniform are repeated here for convenience:

  • Students are expected to take pride in their uniform and presentation and wear the uniform correctly.
  • Uniform is worn at school, going to and from school and anywhere in public in between, and at any activities or events where uniform is required.
  • While in school uniform are expected to adhere to our values and school behaviour expectations (code of conduct).
  • If students do not meet the uniform expectations and behavioural expectations, we follow our behaviour management processes


Thames High School uniform is expected to be worn complete and in a way that reflects pride and respect for both the school and the wearer. Our uniform is gender neutral: students can wear uniform items in which they feel comfortable.

The regulation (approved) uniform is described below.

General expectations

  • Incorrect uniform or a combination of school uniform, sports uniform or mufti is unacceptable.
  • Clothing and presentation must not cause offence, perpetuate, or represent hate, including – but not limited to – symbols such as swastika, supremacist symbols, gang insignia. This includes non-uniform days or activities, such as mufti days.
  • Only the regulation uniform items are allowed, from our approved supplier, unless otherwise specified.
  • Where there are specific health and safety protocols in an area or activity, that relate to clothing or other items, then students are expected to comply with these expectations.
  • School uniform items must not be modified to change the style or cut of the item(s), other than to adjust for height, and must continue to meet School regulations regarding length (refer below). Tapering trousers and narrowing shirts and skirts is not permitted. Modified items will need to be replaced.
  • Plain undergarments may be worn below the uniform. These may not be visible, i.e., short-sleeved undergarments with short sleeves, and tucked-in, long-sleeved thermal with long-sleeved jersey or jacket.
  • Regulation colour undergarments may be worn with the uniform; these are to be the same colour as the uniform shirt.
  • No hoodies are allowed, either above or below uniform items. 
  • Only approved (regulation) sports hoodies may only be worn when representing the school for sporting activities.
  • Items that are consistent with cultural or religious significance*, such as – but not limited to – turban, hijab, ie faitaga may be worn with or instead of uniform items, so long as the colouring is consistent with our school uniform. 
  • We recognise that different cultural norms may sit outside these guidelines and individual circumstances should be discussed to reach an understanding.

* Where there is doubt about the cultural or religious significance of an item, then appropriate advice will be sought from an accepted cultural or religious leaders/representative.


We encourage and expect a consistent and tidy appearance, suitable for a workplace and would generally be considered appropriate for a person representing an organisation in public.


  • Hair must be clean, tidy, and clear of the face and eyes throughout the normal activities of a school day.
  • Students are expected to be clean-shaven. Any exemption must be supported by the appropriate process.

Jewellery and accessories

  • Any jewellery or accessories worn must be appropriate for a workplace and must not be a potential hazard. This includes not having hooped or dangly earrings, bracelets, etc.
  • Necklaces (jewellery, or chains, etc.), if worn, are not to be visible and dangling outside the uniform.
  • Taonga that are recognised as culturally significant may worn outside the uniform and visible.


  • Tattoos/ tā moko that are culturally significant or of deep personal significance (e.g., a symbolic memorial) are permitted.
  • While we discourage tattooing of young people of school age, we respect that whānau make decisions that are appropriate for them.
  • Any tattoo that may be considered inappropriate for a school environment must be covered; these include but are not limited to any reference to drugs, alcohol, gang affiliations, death, and sexually explicit images.

Other guidelines

  • Sunglasses may be worn outside only; sunglasses may not be worn on the head.
  • It is recommended that all articles of clothing should be clearly marked in a fashion that is difficult to remove.  
  • The school is not responsible for lost, stolen or damaged uniform.
  • When raining, a raincoat may be worn with the school uniform.

Uniform passes

  • Students who are temporarily unable to wear correct uniform items must present a reasonable explanation from their parent/caregiver – this can be a signed written note, an email or a phone call; The explanation is presented or sent to the Student Support Office where a uniform pass may be issued if the explanation is accepted.
  • A short-term loan may be provided, otherwise a temporary uniform pass must be obtained and must be shown when items may be questioned. 
  • If there is no pass obtained, then normal behaviour management procedures apply.

Beyond a short-term situation (beyond a week), please advise the Kaiāwhina or Deputy Principal to seek approval for any longer-term exemption. A long-term exemption will typically require written support from a health professional or similar, to outline the genuine reason for the request. Support

Any taiohi/student who has trouble obtaining uniform items should discuss the matter with their Rōpū or Whānau kaitiaki/teacher or appropriate member of the pastoral network, i.e. Student Support Officer / Kaimahi Tautoko, Dean /Kaihautu , Deputy Principal / Tumuaki Tuarua, or Counsellor / Kaiāwhina.

Any matter related to dress or appearance not specifically covered by the uniform regulations and above the guidelines is to be directed by the Principal.  Any student who needs any long-term exemption must have a signed doctor’s certificate.

Incorrect uniform

If students do not meet the uniform expectations and behavioural expectations, we follow our behaviour management processes

Non-uniform items of clothing will be asked to be removed and if either refused or repeated, items may be confiscated and may be returned to the students after five school days (from the Student Support Office). A non-uniform item of clothing may be returned earlier than the five school days only if it is personally collected from the Student Support Office or Deputy Principal by a parent/caregiver.

The school will communicate with parents where there are issues or concerns about uniforms and endeavour to reach an agreement. In situations where this is not possible, the school will continue to apply its behaviour management processes for continued disobedience.


Exemptions from the uniform or presentation standards may be sought where its literal application could unduly infringe upon a taiohi/student’s religious, cultural, or other, beliefs.

Requests for exemptions from the general standards must be made in writing to the Tumuaki/Principal and must state both the exemption sought and the belief that could be compromised if the exemption were not granted. The granting of any exemptions to the general standards shall be at the sole discretion of the principal.

Any judgements or decisions regarding the appropriateness of items or other uniform or presentation matters are to be determined by the Tumuaki/ having regard to what would generally be considered presentable for a person representing an organisation in public and the school uniform policy. Where there is disagreement, all efforts will be made to seek agreement, otherwise, the concerns and complaints process is followed.