School Board

Role of the board

Te Kura Tuarua o Te Kauaeranga | The Thames High School Board, is “responsible for the governance of the school, including setting the policies by which the school is to be controlled and managed” (Section 125 of the Education and Training Act 2020). It provides the strategic direction for the school and develops, monitors, and reviews school policy. Under Section 130 of the Education and Training Act 2020 the school’s principal is the “board’s chief executive in relation to the school’s control and management”.

The tumuaki / principal, senior leadership team, and staff align the operational plans and activities with the strategic objectives set out, to ensure we provide high-quality education and a safe learning environment for all our students. 

The board’s primary objectives are defined in Section 127 of the Education and Training Act (2020).  For more information about the role of the Board, please visit New Zealand School Trustees Association.


If you wish to bring a matter to the attention of the Board, please contact the Board Secretary, Tracey Reed, who will receive correspondence and forward it to the appropriate person.


Concerns and complaints

For any concerns and complaints, please refer to the concerns and complaints process on our policies and procedures page. Matters need to raised with the appropriate staff member(s) and/or principal, depending on the nature of the concern or complaint. Unless there are exemptional circumstances a complaint will not be considered unless the correct process has been followed. You may be directed back to the staff member or principal to follow the process.

Board meetings

Board meetings are held monthly, typically on the last Monday of the month (except for April and September 2024, coinciding with school holidays).

Meetings are open to the public and parents and whānau are welcome to attend. Refer to the school calendar for the date of the next board meeting.

Brendon Wilkinson
Presiding Member (PM); Parent-elected Representative
Siobhan Flanigan
Deputy Presiding Member; Parent-elected Representative
Michael Hart
Tumuaki / Principal
Ngaio Hodson-Rapana
Parent-elected Representative
Karen Hutchinson
Parent-elected Representative
John McKeowen
Parent-elected Representative
Kathleen Ngamane
Ngāti Maru Representative (co-opted)
Wayne Whitney
Parent-elected Representative
Kiryn Curnow
Staff-elected Representative
Abby Greenwood
Student-elected Representative
Tracey Reed
Board Secretary

Board Meetings 2024 & Agenda Board Minutes 2024 Principal’s Reports 2024
Monday 26 February: Agenda
Monday 25 March: Agenda
Monday 27 May: Agenda
Monday 24 June: Agenda
Monday 29 July: Agenda pending
Monday 26 August
Tuesday 29 October
(Monday Labour Day)
Monday 25 November 



Minutes 26 February 2024
Minutes 25 March 2024
Minutes 27 May 2024
Minutes 24 June 2024 






26 February 2024
25 March 2024

27 May 2024
24 June 2024 






  Governance Board Meeting Policy
Board Minutes 2023 Delegations of Authority
Terms of Reference
Minutes 27 February 2023
Minutes 27 March 2023
Minutes 1 May 2023
Minutes 29 May 2023
Minutes 31 July 2023
Minutes 28 August 2023
Minutes 30 October 2023
Minutes 4 December 2023
Schedule of Delegations
Memorandum of Delegations
Authority of principal to close the school
Financial Authorities Delegation 


Property Committee
Finance Committee
Discipline Committee
Personnel Committee