Vision, Mission, Values, Tikanga & Te Tiriti O Waitangi

Our Vision

Kia kōtahi ai te piki ake, kia ikeike rawa ki te taumata

We grow together to achieve one’s true potential

Our Mission

Kia mahara o neherā – To acknowledge our past
Kia aratakina āianei – To inspire our present
Hei waihanga ā mua – And transform our future world 

Our Values, Our Tikanga

Everyone belongs, everyone matters, everyone has potential.

We build connected and collaborative relationships.

We deepen our knowledge of understanding to empower learning.

We build each other up, supporting identity and enhancing mana.

We are honest and show integrity in all that we do.

Te Tiriti o Waitangi | The Treaty of Waitangi

Te Kura Tuarua o Te Kauaeranga / Thames High School is committed to Te Tiriti o Waitangi (The Treaty of Waitangi) and its unique position in Aotearoa/New Zealand and will give effect to it by (Section 127 (d) of the Education and Training Act 2020)

  • ensuring its plans, policies and school (local) curriculum reflect local tikanga Māori, mātauranga Māori and te ao Māori
  • taking all reasonable steps to make instruction available in tikanga Māori and te reo Māori; and
  • achieving equitable outcomes for Māori students.

School planning and reporting

Effective planning and reporting underpins all the other work that we do.

The Education and Training Act 2020 and the Education (School Planning and Reporting) Regulations 2023 set out the planning requirements for kura | schools.

We are required to have:

  • a 3-year strategic plan* developed in consultation with their school community, that sets strategic intents (goals), priorities and measure. The plan is a summary of how the board will meet their primary objectives (set out in the Education and Training Act 2020) – published by 1 March 2024
  • an annual implementation plan that sets annual targets and actions for working towards our strategic goals – published by 31 March, each year.
  • an annual report that reports on the school’s progress and finances –  submitted to the Ministry of Education by 31 May, and published thereafter.

* for the 2024-2025 there is a two-year plan, so that from 2026, the strategic plan is aligned with the three-year board election cycle.

Our Strategic Plan sets the high level direction for the school, reflecting the goals and aspirations our community for taiohi | young people.

After consultation by survey and opportunity to provide input at our Parents Forum, Te Ao Māori Strategic Ohu, and at board meetings where the strategic plan was discussed, the board ratified the strategic plan below.


2024 -2025 Strategic Plan (on a page)

2024-2025 Strategic Plan (with Appendix)

2024 Annual Implementation Plan

Annual Reports

Our annual report  summaries for our community the progress the school (board) has made in achieving the aims and targets set out in our annual plan and formally publishes information about finances.

The Statement of Variance (prior to 2024 was the analysis of variance) is one of the components of the Annual Reporting requirements alongside our audited accounts.

Thames High School 2023 Annual Report – Statement of Variance and Draft Financial Statements

Thames High School 2022 Analysis of Variance

Thames High School 2021 Analysis of Variance