Monday 26 May 2014 – 7.00pm – Thames High School Staffroom
For parents/caregivers of year 11 to 13 students.
Q – Do you know the requirements for your son/daughter to pass NCEA Level 1, 2 or 3?
Q – Do you know where your son/daughter can gain Literacy and Numeracy credits?
Q – Do you know what the 6 vocational pathway areas are?
Q – Do you know what the requirements are to gain entry to University?
Q – Are you familiar with the following terms; course endorsement, subject endorsement, approved subjects, internal and external credits?
If your answer to any of the questions above is “NO”, then you will benefit from attending this evening.
Come and learn about NCEA and let us assist you in the understanding of this system, so you can ultimately help your student!