University Scholarships


A number of Thames High’s top Year 13 students have been offered scholarships for universities around the country. 
The scholarships are offered to students who show strong academic potential, based mainly on their performance in NCEA. 

The scholarships range in value from $1000 up to $50,000 for the prestigious University of Auckland Scholarship.

Huge congratulations to them all!

Samantha Ash-Minto Waikato University Science Admission.
David Johnstone Memorial Scholarship.

Samantha intends to study towards a Science degree

Andrew Chen University of Auckland Jubilee Scholarship Andrewwill study towards an engineering degree

Shyla-Fay Kivit New Zealand School of Tourism Scholarship

Shyla-Fay will study towards a Diploma in Tourism

Dana Little AUT Maori Law and Business Danaplans to begin a business degree

Mary-Rose Napia University of Auckland Faculty of Arts Entrant Level Undergraduate Scholarship.
David Johnstone Memorial Scholarship.

Mary-Rose will commence an Arts degree
Madison Richards AUT Significant Student Scholarship Madison intends to study towards a business degree

Shawn Richards Waikato University Engineering Fees Scholarship.
University of Canterbury Emerging Leaders Scholarship.
Massey University Vice Chancellor’s High Achievers Scholarship.
University of Auckland Jubilee Scholarship.
Victoria University of Wellington Academic Excellence Scholarship.
AUT Significant Student Scholarship.
University of Canterbury Engineering High Achievers Scholarship.

Shawn intends to commence a degree in engineering
Ashley Taaka University of Otago Maori and Pacific Peoples’ Scholarship

Ashley plans to study architecture