Click here for the Prelim Exam Timetable.
Please also note the ‘student exam expectations’ as follows:
- You must be in correct uniform to enter the exam.
- Cell phones are not allowed in exam room.
- All exam equipment…pens, pencils, calculators etc must be in a clear plastic bag.
- All morning exams begin at 9.00am, and afternoon exams at 2.00pm.
- Arrive 10 minutes before your exam is due to start.
- You will not be allowed to enter an exam after 30 minutes of it commencing.
- You will not be allowed to leave an exam during the lst hour or last 30 minutes.
- Exam timetables are on your Whanau wall and in Hall windows.
- If you did not get an individual exam timetable, ask your Whanau teacher for one.
- If you need assistance in an exam, put up your hand and wait for an invigilator to come to you.
- Water only to be consumed. No food allowed.
- If you miss an exam, you are to negotiate an alternative time to “catch–up”. See subject Teacher.