Voting papers for our Board of Trustees Election should be arriving in your mailbox now if you are eligible to vote in the election.
Please get in touch with me if you haven’t received yours yet. Please take some time to read the candidate statements and place your vote on the voting paper.
Please get in touch with me if you haven’t received yours yet. Please take some time to read the candidate statements and place your vote on the voting paper.
IMPORTANT NOTE: All voting papers need to be received at the school by noon on election day (7 June) to be counted as valid. There is a voting box in our reception if you would like to drop it in rather than post it.
In accordance with legislation, a voting paper received after noon on election day is invalid, unless the voting paper was posted and the date stamp on the envelope shows that it was posted before noon on election day.
In accordance with legislation, a voting paper received after noon on election day is invalid, unless the voting paper was posted and the date stamp on the envelope shows that it was posted before noon on election day.
When is a vote invalid?
A vote is invalid for any of the following reasons:
· The voter votes more than once in the election
· The voter votes for more candidates than there are trustees to be elected
· The voting paper was not contained in the envelope included with the voting paper
· The voting paper does not, in the opinion of the returning officer, clearly indicate the candidate or candidates for whom the voter intended to vote, or
· The returning officer believes on reasonable grounds that the voting paper was not issued to the voter by the returning officer
· There are two voting papers in one envelope
If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to get in touch.
Naku noa na,
Liz Muirhead
Returning Officer
Liz Muirhead
Returning Officer