Swimming Sports – Friday 7 February

All students come to school in their HOUSE colours (no glitter, paint or tinsel). (See the image for the kind of get up the seniors might be wearing)


Plan for the Day:

Report to Roopu/Whanau at 9am.

Year 9 + 10 students will then join up at houses on the school field and proceed to the Thames Centennial Pool

Year 11, 12, 13 students will work at normal through Period 1 class then at 11am meet on the field in their houses and walk to the pool to join the juniors.

If Seniors are a GET 2 RACE swimmers (ie competitive/semi-competitive  swimmer they will be going to the pool with the juniors after Whanau.

Two Ways to Swim:

Get to Race (G2R) Those of you who are keen to race competitively or semi-competitively need to swim in G2R heats. Your times will be recorded, you could qualify to swim at Thames Valley Swimming or Waikato Swimming, you may even be the age group Champion for THS.  Champions are made from swimming as many events as you are able to. Your heats will be the first ones for each event.

Get to Swim (G2S) These are the swimmers that wish to participate and show house spirit. They will be placed in heats after the GET to RACE heats.  Each swimmer gains house points and some race times will be recorded as you may be as fast as the G2R swimmers.

NOTE if the chief timekeeper notices a competitive swimmer who is constantly showing in the GET to SWIM heats they will be asked to participate in the GET to RACE heats.

What to Bring:

Please remember to bring water and food for the day as you will not be allowed to leave the pool facility, bring sunhat and that positive participation that we have enjoyed over the past years. Swimming sports is about everyone having a good time and actively being involved in events in some way.  Novelty relays involve being in the pool but not necessarily being able to swim set strokes. Everyone can participate in the walk through for points and a cool down on a very hot day.  See you there