Phūsion supports rangatahi to be physically active through a kaupapa Maori lens, incorporating tikanga and traditional Maori practices to encourage taiohi to explore Maori culture and history.
Taiohi will be hands on in the kitchen creating various healthy kai meals and snacks, all of which to support the growth of their tinana.
A collaborative kaupapa means taiohi will be encouraged to learn, explore and develop understanding of cultural wellbeing, healthy decision making and identity.
Nga Taonga Tākaro (traditional Maori games) is essential to our kaupapa, promoting engagement in physical activity, connecting to Te Taiao (the environment) and the sharing of pūrākau created by our tupuna.
Taiohi who participate in Phūsion are challenged to work alongside their peers, to engage and participate in a variety of activities that support whanaungatanga and manaakitanga.
We are so lucky to have the support Emma Hawkins (Kaikōkiri – Iwi Health Promoter) and her team, from Oranga o te Tangata – Public & Community Services, Te Korowai Hauora o Hauraki |