Living Science
A group of Year 12 Horticulture students have been busy recently assisting John McKeown (our hard-working groundsman) with his planting programme around school. The unsightly concrete block wall along Mackay Street now has a large number (over 60) of Harakeke (flax) plants planted in front of it, which will in time not only mask the wall, but also provide materials for weaving and kete-making. It is worthwhile noting that the plants have come from experiments carried out last year by Year 11 Science students.
Not only are the plants being reused, but the Year 12 students doing the planting are able to use the activity to gain credits for NCEA Level 2. In previous years students have planted fruit trees out in the community with the assistance of the “Thames Be Fruitful” community group. However, with Covid preventing this from going ahead, the students have been able to help beautify the school as well as gain useful credits.
YEAR 11 Living Science
One of the assessments that these students have had to complete is the successful growing of a number of plants from seed. This year the class chose to grow sugar snap peas and decided to donate over 70 plants to the community Seed and Produce Swap programme based in Waikiekie Road. By the evening of the same day that the information was posted on the Facebook page, there were more than seven comments expressing thanks and appreciation for the donation.