Kia ora e te whānau (parents and caregivers)
We trust that you are as well as can be expected after such terrible weather. We know that many have been adversely affected by the weather events in many areas; our thoughts go out to anyone who has been directly or indirectly affected. We recognise that some members of our community are facing a really challenging situation, with slips, flooding and road closures.
Fortunately we have found today our school site is safe and ready for this week’s start-of-school activities.
We have reviewed our plans for this week with the information we have at this time.
There is a red weather warning that is in place from late Tuesday night until Wednesday night. There is an advisory that this weather event is likely to affect travel around our area, and local agencies are recommending to minimise travel.
We have also learned that due to circumstances beyond our control our pōwhiri (formal welcome) cannot be held until next week.
After considering the situation, our plan is below. This will be reviewed if the situation changes.
Tuesday 31 January- Senior Course Confirmation
We will continue with senior course confirmation as previously advised (check emails).
– Year 12-13 at 11 am (all Year 12 and 13s are expected).
– Year 11 at 1.30 pm (only those that have issues with timetables, or requesting changes).
Any students who cannot make it due to road closures, for instance north of Tapu or via the 25A highway, please call the school, and make an appointment to complete course confirmation on Thursday or Friday this week.
Wednesday 1 February
School will be closed for instruction.
Thursday 2 February
Year 9 orientation programme, which will involve Year 9 and Year 13 students.
Meet in the hall for an 9 am start.
Parents/whānau are welcome to join the new Year 9 students as we welcome them and start the orientation programme.
Friday 3 February
Whole school (Years 9 to 13) school timetabled lessons start.
We will start with a rōpū/whānau class at 8.45 am.
For new Year 10 to Year 13 students, we will have a orientation morning.
Tuesday 7 February
Pōwhiri for all new students and staff.
Gather outside the gateway on Sealey Street, outside the wharenui – 8.45 am for a 9 am start, as in the original notice sent out.
Our wet weather plan will mean the Pōwhiri will be held in the school hall.
We trust that you will stay safe and well, and that the preparations for the new school year go smoothly. Please advise if there are any issues or assistance that we can offer.
Ngā manaakitanga
Michael Hart
Tumuaki / Principal