Online Learning / NCEA Information

Guidelines for Taiohi/Students and Online Learning

  • In situations where the school site is closed, such as Covid Alert level 4, the main mode of learning will be online.
  • These guidelines are meant to ensure our expectations are clear for all: tauira/students, kaiako/teachers and parents/whānau
  • At any time there are not specific tasks set then:
    • complete homework tasks or assignment tasks 
    • For Years 11-13 students, there will be ongoing internal assessments to continue to work on (see below for more information about assessments)
  • The school timetable will be your guide for classes and times for online lessons and work. Keep to a regular schedule.
  • Tauira/students are expected to attend online classes at the right time, including roopu and whānau time unless unwell.
  • Issues with accessing online classes must be communicated to the school.

General Expectations

  • Put your health and your family first and continue to follow all government advice in order to stay safe. If you are unwell please contact the attendance officer by:
    • Email:
    • Text 3255: Please start your text with THSC followed by a space. Then add the students name and the reason for the absence. EG: “THSC Prim Everdeen Unwell today.”
  • Be kind, patient and understanding. We will all need time to adjust to online learning, and we will make it through this by supporting each other.
  • It is expected that you will participate in learning activities / discussions, complete tasks and do your best.
  • Make sure you seek assistance if you have difficulty accessing your learning. If you are unsure or worried, please ask your teacher or refer to Getting Help.
    • Check your school email account at least once a day and reply as required.
    • Make sure you can access existing platforms that teachers will use to provide suitable guidance for your learning e.g. Google Classroom, Google Meet / email, etc. depending on individual subjects, and different needs or tasks.
  • Continue to uphold Our values of Manaakitanga, Whaanaungatanga and Matauranga as well as Our Tikanga of THS R.O.L.E.S in every context and support your friends and teachers.
  • Remember kaiako / teachers may be with their families, especially with younger children, as well so they will respond to your questions/emails and give feedback when able.
  • Be POSITIVE (see below)

 Online learning for your subjects

  • Teachers will provide lessons/tasks for each of your timetabled classes.  This may be set as a block of lessons with expected timeframes or day-by-day lessons/activities depending on the subject requirements.
  • You should stick to a regular timetable, a routine that suits your circumstances. Ideally you should work to the school timetable, and that includes having breaks. If you cannot, then please make sure you communicate with your teacher(s) if you need more flexibility. It is important that weekly checkpoints are met. 
  • In your break time get fresh air, connect with friends, share with your parents/whānau
  • You will show that you are learning by completing the outcomes set by your teacher each week or day. This will equate to about 3-4 hours of learning per subject per week.
    • Remember to pace your learning, and you  don’t need to complete all the activities at once!
    • Teachers provide valuable learning opportunities, activities and work of value, so please attempt allthe learning activities provided.
    • Your teachers may advise you of a time when they will be online and available to provide direct support, for instance through an online chat / class. This will always be in one of your usual timetabled slots for that subject so that two teachers won’t be asking you to be in contact with both at the same time.

NZQA and Assessments

  • Continue with your assessment work as much as possible, as guided by kaiako / teachers.
  • Years 11-13 students, please don’t worry about NCEA. Your teachers will be responsive to your needs as a learner, and you will be advised of assessment dates that may change or how assessments may differ online. If in doubt, ask your teacher, who will provide a revised assessment statement if required.
  • NZQA will help schools to develop effective plans for NCEA assessment and qualifications for students affected by COVID-19, including supporting remote learning. NZQA will be supporting schools to use the flexibility built into NCEA in how we manage internal assessment through remote learning, and to generate grades derived from learning programmes should attendance at external assessments be disrupted. 
  • If the period of online learning is extended it is very likley that there will be similar credit recognition schemes and different requirements to achieve qualifications.
  • The commitment from NZQA are that all qualifications, awards and pathways (including University Entrance and Vocational Pathways) will remain available through any disruptions.
  • For students taking part in Trades Academies and Gateway Programmes: In these conditions Trades Academies will not be able to occur as normal and Gateway work placements will need to be suspended.  But there will be alternative work to complete, that will help maintain learning, and readiness for when Trades and Gateway begin again. More information can be found at

Here is our NCEA Handbook. Updated March 2024

2024 NCEA Handbook Thames High School

Getting Help

  • Concerned about a subject? Contact your subject teacher via email.
  • If you become unwell or other circumstances mean you are unable to meet your learning targets, please email your subject teachers to let them know. 
  • Concerned about your wellbeing? 
    • Make sure you talk openly with your parents/caregivers and whānau.  
    • Consider other sources of support such as your kaitiaki/dean or our counsellor. If you are already working with our school counsellor, continue to communicate using school email during term time.(Guidance Counsellor, Susan McInnes :
    • If you have immediate concern around safety of yourself or someone else, speak to a trusted adult and/or call 111 for support.
  • Concerned about your Health? Contact Healthline: 
    • Coronavirus related 0800 358 5453
    • General Health related 0800 611 116
  • Further information is available here:

Other Support – some recommended youth services 

