Opportunities for School Leavers in 2020. Are you thinking of finishing school this year and looking to stay in Thames?
- Application forms are available from the school office, Download details and application form here or by emailing office@thameshigh.school.nz
- Applications close FRIDAY 18 OCTOBER
- Please talk with Yana, Principal’s PA if you have any questions.
The Thames Club (Inc.) Scholarship to assist a current student or recent leaver, with costs associated with vocational training.
- Application forms are available from the school office, Download details and application form here or by emailing office@thameshigh.school.nz
- Applications close FRIDAY 25 OCTOBER
- Please talk with Yana, Principal’s PA if you have any questions.
Are you finishing school this year and looking to commence a course of tertiary education; need some assistance for fees, accommodation costs or resources?
Eva Hammond Scholarship
Eligibility: Any past student who is about to commence a course of tertiary education including students who are within 6 months of leaving the school for that purpose.
- Pick up an application form for this scholarship from the school office, download details and application form here or email office@thameshigh.school.nz
- The closing date for applications is Friday 25 October 2019 at 4PM.