Year 11 Hauora taiohi had the opportunity to camp at Stony Bay under Moehau Maunga.
We had the privilege of having Jamie Watson host us at the campsite where he shared purakau (Māori creation stories) and mātauranga (indigenous knowledge) with us about Moehau Maunga, Rongoā (natural remedies), taonga puoro (musical instruments) and other gems of knowledge that he holds about our natural environment.
Students stayed in tents and prepared their own meals and cooked on gas cookers. After roasting marshmallows over the campfire, students relaxed under the stars, socialised without their devices and played a good old game of spotlight.
Big mihi to Jamie for hosting us and sharing generously with us his knowledge. And thank you to Ann Hoover and Shannon Paki for supporting the trip and ensuring our taiohi returned safely.
Tezhar Paymani
Teacher of English, Health & Physical Education